Litmore Haiku Workshop April 2, 2016

After two cancellations, it finally happened in Towson, Maryland. A number of enthusiastic writers attended–a Facebook friend from Pennsylvania was there. It’s also a pleasure to meet  virtual friends in the flesh. I sold a few books which is also nice, as it helps to cover transportation and lunch expenses. My faithful companion, Robert, was with me — he’s a great navigator and helps carry books and paraphernalia as well as offer support and feedback.

I discussed the North American haiku movement but stressed the importance of reading  Japanese masters.I gave each person a list of guidelines. Recounted some of my personal experiences over the years and critiqued a few haiku as gently as I could. I’d like to go back to Litmore and teach an advanced class, hopefully with those who attended today. I also shared what on-line and hard copy journals are worth subscribing and submitting to.

One of the attendees shared a nifty little book called HAIKU from Everyman’s Pocket Series which contains many of the Blyth translations as well as poems by Nick Virgilio, John Wills and Jim Hackett. Check out the series on Amazon as there are three haiku books, all well worth having and a nice size to carry in one’s bag.

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