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HOW WORDS AND THOUGHTS AFFECT YOUR LIFE is a revised book I published in the mid 80’s called HOW WORDS AND THOUGHTS AFFECT YOUR BODY. It has been out of print for many years. After all these years, my husband reread it one day and said, “This is still so inspiring , We gotta get it out there.”

I added an Afterword section since so many quantum physicists and medical doctors have come forth basically sharing the same things–that words and thoughts are the building blocks we use to shape our lives.

Since the publication of this book, I discovered books and courses by Jim Self on Alchemical Mastery. His teachings take the use of words to a whole other level and if you are a spiritual aspirant who has dipped her toes into many courses of study, know that there is a lot more waiting for you at the end of the rainbow–a new beginning to play in consort with the Creator.

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