Always Great to Get Feedback on One’s Book

Most of the time, people buy books and say nothing to the author. So it’s always a great day when I get such a lovely response (Facebook May 10, 2024) about Milkweed (Brooks Books, 2024).

from Andrew O. Dugas

Full disclosure: My fanship (fandom? fanism?) of Alexis Rotella’s work extends back many years. I first came upon her work in The Haiku Anthology (Third Edition), where it jumped off the page. In brief, she greatly expanded for me what haiku could do, where it could go.

In the years since, seeing her work pop up in haiku journals is always a special joy. It is neverless than surprising.

So I was overjoyed when Brooks Books published Milkweed: Selected Haiku & Senryu. How rare to find a collection without a single poem that is common or ordinary. Each page is a delight, but the best part for me is something I hadn’t picked up from reading her poems in journals: her incredible range.

Sometimes she is classical in the most Japanese sense:

Two leaves

touch in the pond

then separate

In my book, this is up there with the best of Bashō or Buson.

Sometimes she highlights poignant moments in complex human entanglements:

After an affair


all the rooms

Here she provides the reader with a blank screen onto which one may project our own satisfaction, guilt, or sexual imagination.

Sometimes I can’t tell if she is adding poignancy to humor or humor to poignancy:

Morning coffee

she reads his

horoscope first

I can’t recommend this collection enough, especially if you are new to haiku and want to see what haiku can do, what haiku from a real master looks, tastes, and feels like.

-Haiku Andy


A Weekend Bus Trip With the Girls (Haibun)

It was one of those confessional haibun that some editors would not consider because, according to them, it was too dark and they didn’t want readers to “go there.”

But it got “there” anyway.

Buddhists say we pick our parents. It’s hard to unpick them once we claim them as ours.

Milkweed is available from Brooks Books

I am grateful to Randy and Shirley Brooks for publishing a collection of my haiku and senryu dating from 1979-2024. It’s a meaty collection that takes the reader on a journey that includes human nature combined with Nature itself.

This is a poetry book for the seasoned writer as well as those new to haiku and its related form, senryu.

Here are a few examples:

Late night swim / stepping into / the moon

Lunch with an old friend / her facelift / between us

in Mom’s button box still the smell of tea

If you want a signed copy, PayPal me $30 or order directly from Brooks Books:

Blast from the Past

One of the most memorable events during my writing career was when Terra Infirma was awarded a 1993 grant from the Colorado State Council of the Arts to set many of my poems to sound on a Public Radio Broadcast. A lot of energy and time went into this production. Women of all ages including children elevated my words to whole other unexpected levels.

It had been years since I listened to the two-part series until Holy Guardian Angel John Stevenson resurrected the links for me. Here they are. If and when you have time, relax with a cup of tea, take a few deep breaths and just let go.

Just Added to Kindle

HOW WORDS AND THOUGHTS AFFECT YOUR LIFE is a revised book I published in the mid 80’s called HOW WORDS AND THOUGHTS AFFECT YOUR BODY. It has been out of print for many years. After all these years, my husband reread it one day and said, “This is still so inspiring , We gotta get it out there.”

I added an Afterword section since so many quantum physicists and medical doctors have come forth basically sharing the same things–that words and thoughts are the building blocks we use to shape our lives.

Since the publication of this book, I discovered books and courses by Jim Self on Alchemical Mastery. His teachings take the use of words to a whole other level and if you are a spiritual aspirant who has dipped her toes into many courses of study, know that there is a lot more waiting for you at the end of the rainbow–a new beginning to play in consort with the Creator.

Writing a Bio: A Task for the Birds or ChatGPT?

To see

what I’ve

been up to

I Google


That five-liner is called a kyoka (sister to the tanka form). Kyoka are what senryu is to haiku.

So, every time a publisher asks me for a bio, I shrink. Why? Because who I was and what I did a month ago is not what I’m doing now 0r have been doing for a while. My outpouring is not static. My publishing credits continue to grow. So, for kicks, instead of going to Dr. Google, I asked ChatGPT to write my bio and I think it did a better job than I ever could. I can’t disagree with anything it says except I was not schooled in Connecticut. Rather, I graduated from Drew University in Madison, New Jersey. Let’s face it, I’ve been writing haiku and related forms since the late 1970s and a lot of water has run under the old bridge since then. Here I am in 2023 at age 76, a licensed acupuncturist/hypnotist practicing in Greensboro, North Carolina for the last 2.5 years, still married to the same wonderful guy for 58 years.

Anyway, here’s my bio courtesy of ChatGPT: (see if you agree)

Alexis Rotella – Pioneering Japanese Poetry Forms in English

Alexis Rotella, a prominent and highly respected poet, has left an indelible mark on the world of poetry by masterfully infusing Japanese poetry forms into English literature. Her profound understanding of haiku, tanka, and other traditional Japanese forms has redefined the possibilities of expression within the English language. With a unique blend of cultural sensitivity and artistic brilliance, Rotella has earned her place among the most influential poets of our time.

Early Life and Education:
Born on January 17th, 1948, in Bridgeport, Connecticut, (not accurate; I was born January 16, 1947 in Johnstown, Pa.) Alexis Rotella’s poetic journey began at an early age. Growing up in a family that nurtured her creative spirit, she quickly discovered her love for words and expression. Rotella pursued her education at Southern Connecticut State University and Trinity College, (not so, my undergrad degree was in philosophy from Drew University in Madison, NJ) where she developed a deep appreciation for literature, particularly Japanese poetry.

Exploring Japanese Poetry:
Captivated by the simplicity and elegance of Japanese poetry forms, Rotella delved into the world of haiku, tanka, and haiga. Recognizing the challenges of translating these unique forms into English, she dedicated herself to preserving the essence and spirit of Japanese poetry while adhering to the linguistic nuances of the English language.

Poetic Innovations:
Rotella’s poetic innovations are marked by her ability to balance tradition with experimentation. She has seamlessly merged the traditional essence, brevity, and captivating juxtapositions of Japanese poetry with English’s vibrant and diverse vocabulary. Through her distinctive approach, she has expanded the boundaries of haiku and tanka to create a new space for expression within the English literary canon.

Recognition and Influence:
Alexis Rotella’s life’s work has garnered widespread recognition both nationally and internationally. Her poetry has been published in various prestigious literary journals, anthologies, and online platforms dedicated to haiku and tanka. She has won numerous awards, including the Museum of Haiku Literature Award (I forgot about that one, but many other awards are in my backpack), and served as an editor for several poetry publications (I also founded Prune Juice, senryu journal, still going strong today and let’s not forget I served as President of the Haiku Society of America in 1984 and oh yes, 40 books published so far).

Additionally, Rotella’s influence extends far beyond her own poetry. She has inspired and mentored countless aspiring poets, nurturing their love for Japanese forms and encouraging their individual poetic voices. As a well-known and highly revered figure in the poetry community, she has played a pivotal role in the popularization of Japanese poetry forms in English-speaking countries.

Alexis Rotella’s contributions to the world of poetry will endure for generations to come. Her ability to harmoniously blend the simplicity of Japanese forms with the richness of the English language has formed a bridge between two literary worlds. By sharing the beauty, depth, and brevity of Japanese poetry with English-speaking audiences, Rotella has enriched the poetic landscape and continued the legacy of these timeless forms.

Alexis Rotella, an accomplished poet and passionate ambassador of Japanese poetry forms, has carved a unique path in the realm of English literature. Her profound impact and dedication to breaking new ground have established her as a revered figure in the poetry community. Alexis Rotella’s remarkable journey as a poet will forever serve as an inspiration to those seeking to bridge cultural divides through the transcendent power of words.

(Sometimes, friends, it takes a village to write a bio, or maybe even an obit)

Feeding the Birds (Haibun)

My neighbor says
oh, your gate is painted green
and you got your windows washed

what else is going on over there,
what else are you guys having done?

A package appears on the front steps.
He texts me as he always does.
He really ought to text me
when there’s not a package on the porch.

an owl returnsto the cedar duskfall

(Contemporary Haibun 19.2, Summer 2023)